The Service Center
The Service Center
Rachel Dodds - Sustainability and making tourism good for society
[Episode 9]
Dr. Rachel Dodds is a Full Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Ryerson University. She served for 4 years as the Director for Ryerson’s Institute for Hospitality and Tourism Research and is the Director/Owner of Sustaining Tourism, a boutique tourism consulting firm specializing in sustainable tourism, tourism development and policy, and ecotourism.
Rachel is an expert in the field of sustainable tourism and eco-tourism, with a focus on highly applicable research that can make impactful contributions to industry practices. Most recently, she contributed her knowledge to Tyler Sadler’s 2021 documentary, “The Last Tourist”, along side leaders in the sustainability field such as Bruce Poon Tip and Dr. Jane Goodall.
Faculty Profile: https://www.ryerson.ca/tedrogersschool/hospitality-tourism-management/faculty-and-research/rachel-dodds/
Sustaining Tourism: https://sustainabletourism.net
The Last Tourist documentary (Trailer): https://youtu.be/r3_YO-t0DXM
Host: William C Murray, PhD:
William is passionate about service, the hospitality industry, and the human experiences found therein. He began in the service industry at the early age of 14 and has never looked back, gaining experience in retail, restaurants, and major hotel companies nationwide. Along the way, he earned a diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management, a degree in English Literature, an MBA in Tourism Management, and his PhD in Management.
William is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Guelph (Canada) in the School of Hospitality, Food & Tourism Management at the Lang School of Business & Economics. He is an award-winning hospitality management educator with over 20 years experiences at both colleges and universities across Canada. His research focuses on workforce sustainability and the human condition of workers. He has published work in top journals, including Sustainability, the International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, and the Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism, along with being a co-author of the textbook Snapshots: An Introduction to Tourism, 6th Cdn.
If you have questions, comments, feedback about the show, or suggestions for future guests, reach out to me. I would love to hear from you!!
E-mail: william@theservicecenter.ca
Twitter: @WilliamCMurray
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drwilliamcmurray/
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